Friday, June 11, 2021

Intuitive Massage and Bodywork

In my lifetime I have received and given hundreds of massages. While this doesn't make me an expert on massage, there are some things I have learned through the years about the subtle energy exchange that happens before, during and after a treatment. As a practicing psychic, who loves to get body work done, I am very particular about who I have work on me. When choosing a massage therapist, I want them to have a mindful presence. I appreciate a therapist with a conscious intention that the massage be positive, healing, relaxing, and therapeutic. I know that In addition to the physical touch, there is an energy transference that occurs during a session. I want this energy exchange to be positive. It is important to me to choose a massage therapist that I trust to hold a "sacred space" so I can relax and release any tension or stress and feel safe on the table. I learned this discernment after I experienced some massages that impacted me negatively and left me feeling drained.

Some massage therapists are more intuitive than others and can "read" the needs of my body and my emotional state even before I speak to them. Other massage therapists are doing their job, giving a massage, but it is from a much more detached and automatic place. Their heart may not be in it or they may not have developed the extra sensitivity to intuit what I need. Unfortunately, some other body workers may also have an agenda of their own which detracts from the healing nature of a massage. My goal when receiving a massage is to let go and open to the experience, so I can relax and go deeply within to receive the healing transmission. I'm not there on the table to teach, entertain, stimulate or please my therapist. When I book a massage, it is because I am feeling depleted, tense or in pain and want to relax. So it is important I select a therapist that resonates with me.

Many massage therapists are quite psychic and receive intuitive messages, pictures and the causes for pain in the client's body. They may pick up on an old car accident or an injury as they are working silently on the client. This ability to psychically "read" the client's energy field can develop over time. As a massage therapist for many years, I noticed my intuition getting stronger and stronger as I risked sharing little bits of information I received while working on the client's body. Some massage is done in silence or with just soft music playing. There is a grace that happens in the stillness and quiet. When I was open and listening to the messages from the client's body, I learned about their emotional and spiritual needs, as well as the needs of their body's pain and tightness. I studied energy work and learned how to direct a universal healing source of energy, along with the muscular therapeutic touch while giving massages. This combination of healing energy and therapeutic touch produced a positive effect for the clients.

This subtle energy exchange before, during and after a massage can make the difference between feeling refreshed and relaxed from a positive exchange, or depleted and victimized from a negative exchange. Choose your massage therapist carefully. Rather than basing your selection on credentials only, tune into your intuitive feeling about the person and whether or not they are a vibrational "match" for you. A massage can be a sacred, holy gift that energizes and heals on deep levels. Choose wisely.

Source by Liah Howard